Lehigh Hanson partners with Fortera to reduce carbon emissions
North America's Lehigh Hanson (HeidelbergCement) and Fortera Inc have announced a collaboration ...
North America's Lehigh Hanson (HeidelbergCement) and Fortera Inc have announced a collaboration ...
Cemex has started 2021 by investing for growth and its climate action strategy in Europe, Middl...
As cement plants search for ways to reduce their carbon footprint, waste heat recovery power gen...
The Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) participated in the UN Secretary-General’s h...
Vietnam has submitted its forecast for CO 2 emissions by 2030 to the United Nations and has fac...
Despite increasing market demand for cement in recent decades, the cement industry is required t...
The Global Cement and Concrete Association’s research network, Innovandi has launched a week of ...
CEMBUREAU's Carbon Neutrality Roadmap (CNR) looks at how the European cement industry can reduce...
In November 2019 FLSmidth announced its sustainability ambition for 2030 entitled ‘MissionZero’ ...
Global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions stopped growing at around 33Gt in 2019, despite t...